Background Verification – An Assurance Of Safe Hires


Background verification is simply a means of securing and confirming information about employees or potential hires from external sources such as former employers, supervisors, co-workers, and educators in order to verify the authenticity of the information they have provided to the company. 

A background check usually covers the following:

  • Bio-data Information
  • Academic Qualification Verification
  • Previous Employment Verification
  • Guarantors/Referees Verification
  • Address Verification
  • Permit to Work and Visa Verification
  • Criminal Record Verification
  • Driver’s License Verification, just to mention a few

Major Reasons For Background Verification

To Ensure Workplace Safety: Background verification of an employee reassures the employer of the safety of his business, other staff and customers from problems that may arise as a result of;

  • Fraudulent acts
  • Poor Psych condition
  • Sexual assault
  • Negligent driving
  • Bad attitude.

To Maximize Productivity: Having a good knowledge of the qualification and capability of your employee helps you identify the potentials required by the company in order to maximize productivity. 

To Make Informed Decisions

As an employer, the background verification of your employees influences your decision making processes. Verification may proffer answers to the following:

  • How resources can be utilized and conserved in the course of accomplishing duties
  • How set goals can be actualized
  • How the growth of your organization may be influenced
  • Who manages certain affairs and general organizational structure
  • How the reputation and integrity of your organization can be preserved.

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