Why is Safe Hiring relevant in the process of recruitment?

In order to protect your company from fraud, it is important to make sure you have a safe hiring program in place. It will help employers substantially minimize risk to their business. Although intuition can play an important role in hiring, basing a decision on solid information is more reliable and safer.  A properly implemented safe hiring program will help to provide deterrence, encourages honesty, yields more factual information and promotes due diligence.

It is pertinent that employers, agencies and individuals who are in charge of recruitment and hiring adopt safe hiring practices more and less warm body hiring. When adequate processes of safe hiring are followed/carried out, it helps to prevent/reduce the cases/number of incidences due to misemployment.


Here are some Safe Hiring DIY for Household Managers

  1. Take interviews seriously:
  • Ask the right questions, and open-ended questions
  • Allot them time to speak and express themselves.
  • Watch their body language as well as observe their tone of voice
  • Discuss about the previous job; where, when and why they left
  • Present work related scenarios, ask how they would act in such scenarios and make your deductions from their answer
  • Have an evaluation document, where interview performance can be evaluated.
  1. Critically Observe credentials:
  • Look out for résumé fraud or lies.
  • Ask résumé specific questions to ascertain that what is documented aligns with what they say. Do the same with other credentials.
  • Look out for unexplained employment gaps in the résumé, inquire why there is a gap, and make deductions from their responses.
  1. Verify
  • Verify the authenticity of their documents, if you have to. You can have a team in you organization set aside for this, or you can outsource to organizations like POI
  • Contact previous employers by all means, but you must understand the dynamics of reference checks, some organizations have no reference policies. For reference check, you must exercise good judgement as well as ask intelligent questions that should not seem invasive.
  • Seek their permission before verifying any information
  • If they do not consent to your background checks, that is a red flag. It is important to ask why as well as exercise good judgement.
  1. Evaluate
  • Conduct j
  • Conduct psychometric evaluations to determine emotional, cultural and psychological hindrances to their roles.
  • Evaluate their work ethics, conducts and body language
  • Carryout medical check if you have to, that way you can be aware of any medical limitation to their roles.

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